Notes from learning Typescript
25 Aug 2024Over the last few weeks I’ve been diving into learning TypeScript properly. These are my notes from that learning process.
Building a tool to map domestic abuse services across the UK
24 Jun 2024Over the last few months I’ve been working on a tool that will map the hundreds of domestic abuse support services across the UK.
What I've learnt from working on a large software project
14 Apr 2024For the last couple of months at Common Knowledge we have been building an application called Mapped. This post is about some of things I’ve learnt about from working on this project.
What I've learnt from mentoring at coding meetups
12 Feb 2024I’ve recently been mentoring at two Founders and Coders meet ups and it made me think about what makes a good mentor - specifically when learning to code.
2023 - year in review
28 Dec 2023In this post I’m going to look at what I’ve learnt; the challenges I’ve faced this year as well as what I’m hoping for in 2024
What I’ve learnt about WordPress development at Common Knowledge
05 Nov 2023At Common Knowledge we work with organisers and grassroots groups to improve their websites and digital infrastructure to maximise the impact of their work
Month notes September
07 Oct 2023Developing my new personal website with Eleventy.js 🤖 Preparing for Platform.org site launch 🏗️ Optimizing my WordPress workflow 💼 Starting development work on new Solidarity Knows No Borders website ✊
An update on my new website
03 Sep 2023Over the last couple of months I’ve been rebuilding my personal website with Eleventy. This post is an update on that work.
Month notes - July
22 Jul 2023Security scanning; block based themes and building Gutenberg blocks in WordPress 🧱 Launching the Architecture Lobby website 🏢 Debugging a Django app using the Shopify Python API 🛒