Notes from January

🚧 Building the new Common Knowledge website. ✍️ Writing a project report for my apprenticeship. 📝 Writing technical notes each week of the project.

Project Workspace

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

What I’ve been working on

This month has been dedicated to my final project for my apprenticeship - a rebuild of the Common Knowledge website. Working from designs created in Figma (by our co-op designer Gemma) I have created a CMS in the Django based framework Wagtail. I have also built custom HTML templates and a CSS theme with Tailwind. I’ve written notes from each week of the project summarizing my main learnings which can be viewed here.

What I’ve been learning

This month I've been learning how to:

What’s next

In February I’ll be moving onto other project work with Common Knowledge. I’ll also be attending two interviews with the apprenticeship assessors.

Interesting links

These are some interesting links that I’ve come across this month: